Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

May your Easter celebration be one of happy memories and great joy!


  1. STUNNING!! =) How did you make that one?? Is it a sort of filter you put on the lense, or have you done some after treatment..?

    Awesome!! And the blossoms have sprouted already? WoW! =)

    Happy Easter to you too! :)

  2. I like your post-processing on this one, Paulie.

  3. Thank you for those wonderful flowers! How precious and beautiful!

  4. Looking forward to your new post after so long time. I believe we are all busy with our work, but keep writing, cheers.

  5. As we had some big fluffy snowflakes this morning I naturally thought of you. Alas, they did not stick, and they can stay away till we are finished travelling so far as I am concerned. (They can fall to the edge of the road and no farther.) Please give us a hey, here I still am and busy making scarves.
